Matter Management

Use LEAP Conveyancer’s smart legal document management system to file, retrieve and share matter information.

Find documents fast

LEAP Conveyancer automatically saves all versions of your documents to the related electronic matter making it easy to find the document you are looking for. The ability to pin your most important documents to the top of your Correspondence List, allows you to see everything that’s important.

Document management and your clients

LEAP Conveyancer allows more control over the documents you share with your clients. Version control, tracking and the option to revoke access to documents is updated in real time. Large files that exceed email limits are easily shared, with the peace of mind that the documents are safely stored on Amazon Web Services.

Virtual office

From LEAP Mobile you can upload, view, edit and save documents whether you’re at court, on the train, or visiting a client.

Unlimited storage

There’s no need to worry about data backup costs and maintenance since unlimited secure storage is provided.

Consistent and error-free

Electronically stored matter information provides the ability to integrate information into forms. Automation ensures you’re providing the same, correct information across multiple forms. You’ll save time and improve consistency.

10 Step Guide to Starting a Conveyancing Practice

Download this comprehensive guide to discover the 10 essential steps to starting a conveyancing practice. Whether you're opening as a sole practitioner or fully staffed, this guide will help you answer the all-important question, ‘how do I start a conveyancing firm?'

Complete with practical guidance and helpful checklists, this guide covers areas including compliance, practice areas, firm structures, billing, marketing, attracting clients, software, finance and more.